The Gospel of Goodlands
Maybe we’re all searching for good news these days, whether consciously or not, but I thought this was so good on so many levels that I wanted to, well, just vote “yes,” I guess,...
writing and translation
Maybe we’re all searching for good news these days, whether consciously or not, but I thought this was so good on so many levels that I wanted to, well, just vote “yes,” I guess,...
I only heard of the term “digital immigrant” a few days ago and would like to pay my rather belated respects to Marc Prensky, who, in 2001, coined the terms “native” and “immigrant” to...
Lambert Wiesing, the only practicing phenomenologist I know, just published a book about the perception of self (Ich für mich). It’s a difficult argument, as you might expect. It turns out that proper philosophers have simply never...
Publishers don’t necessarily ask authors — or translators — before deciding what title to give any particular book. Lambert Wiesing and I assumed that the title of the German book Luxus, would be the English...