Category: fiction

Book Review: Black Elk Speaks

Rating books is always reductive, unfair: it flattens a full-fledged, 3D experience into a less than a line…just 5 dots! Rating this one is particularly absurd, like passing judgement on the New Testament or...

Re-reading the Picture of Dorian Gray

I’ve never really been attracted to the horror genre. The story invariably seems too contrived to be plausible. I need the horror to be real. The Picture of Dorian Gray is definitely a horror...

Writing and Digging

Writing and Digging

  My first reading at Telltales (the writers group in Falmouth–see last post) was called “Daisies”.  It’s pretty much a description of something that happened to me–hard to say exactly when, but within the...

Burning Bread

“Prepared” by having been in a slow oven overnight, the loaf that appears in Charlie Sinclair’s fine image Burning Bread is perhaps nearly incredible but not quite.  In fact it’s perfectly “straight” photography: the bread has become...